The Verbal Toolkit(Extensional Devices)
Module 8
General Semantics offers a number of helpful
verbal/mental tools for evaluating statements and phenomena fairly quickly
in real-life situations. Korzybski called such tools Extensional Devices
and Catherine Minteer referred to them as the Verbal Toolkit in her book Words
and What They Do To You. It is the latter from which the following
paraphrase is derived:
*Index – Object (1) does not equal Object (2)
*Date – Everything changes. School 2002 is not
school 1982.
*Etc. – There is always more to be said.
*Question – Does the word fit the fact? What does
s/he mean?
*Delay – Evaluate before you act.
Of course, these maxims are not 100% universal and you will have to decide
which if any are appropriate for any given situation. But this set of
tools should prove to be very helpful in most situations.